Day 2

Day 2:

  1. Portable file paths with here
  2. Using git and GitHub (setup instructions)
  3. Creating a research compendium

Does git sound familiar to you?

😯 I don’t have a clue

πŸ‘ I’ve heard of it

πŸ‘ I’ve used it

❀️ I use it all the time

Choose an emoji from Reactions

β”œβ”€β”€ abstract.R
β”œβ”€β”€ thesis.Rmd
β”œβ”€β”€ thesis_reviwed.Rmd
β”œβ”€β”€ thesis_reviwed2.Rmd
β”œβ”€β”€ thesis_final.Rmd
β”œβ”€β”€ thesis_finalfinal.Rmd
β”œβ”€β”€ this_is_it.Rmd
β”œβ”€β”€ now_this_is_it_for_real_this_time_i_swear.Rmd
└── FINAL.Rmd
The figure shows the states of a file: untracked or tracked. When it is tracked by the repository, the file can be staged, committed or modified. With the add action the file is β€œstaged”, with the commit action the file is β€œsaved” to the repository. This cycles repeats teach time the file is modified.
Concept model of a workflow using RStudio projects and git. Files are added to the staging area, and then commited to the local repository. You can push commits to the remote repository and pull new commits to your computer.
Concep model of the remote workflow. A foreign remote repository can be forked to an owned remote repository with a β€œfork”. The remote repository is copied into a local repository with a β€œclone”. Files inside the local repository and the remote repository are synced with push and pull. The owned remote repository can be merged into the foreign remote repository with a pull request.

How familiar are you with R package development?

😯 I don’t have a clue.

πŸ‘ I’ve created a few functions.

πŸ‘ I’ve use the R package structure.

❀️ I maintain one or more R packages.

Choose an emoji from Reactions

Preparations for day 3:

  1. Managing R dependencies with renv
    • Make sure you have the renv package installed.
  2. Sharing your data