An R reproducibility toolkit for the practical researcher > Day 2 > 01: here are the portable paths
01: here are the portable paths
By Paola Corrales and Elio Campitelli
If you use RStudio Projects consistently, you can be sure that your working directory is always the root of the project unless you actively change it. Almost. There are two situations in which this assumption can be broken and that can lead to errors or, even worse, surprising results.
Root directory during knit
One issue is that when RMarkdown files are knitted, the working directory in which the code is executed is the location of the .Rmd file, which is not always the root of the project.
To show you this, we prepared a demo project.
Get the demo project
- Download the demo project and extract it anywhere in your computer.
- Open the project (double click on
), openreport.Rmd
and try to knit it.
You’ll notice that R fails to render the file with an error that reads:
Quitting from lines 9-10 [setup] (report.Rmd)
Error in `file()`:
! cannot open the connection
indicating that there was an issue reading the file in line 9.
However, line 9 seems perfectly sensible:
penguins <- read.csv("data/penguins.csv")
You can test that the working directory is the project root by running getwd()
in the console:
## [1] "/home/elio/Documents/cursos/reproducibility-with-r/static/demo_project"
You’ll get some path in your computer.
And also that penguins.csv
is indeed located in the data
folder by running
## [1] TRUE
You can even try to read the data in the console
## species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g
## 1 Adelie Torgersen 39.1 18.7 181 3750
## 2 Adelie Torgersen 39.5 17.4 186 3800
## 3 Adelie Torgersen 40.3 18.0 195 3250
## 4 Adelie Torgersen NA NA NA NA
## 5 Adelie Torgersen 36.7 19.3 193 3450
## 6 Adelie Torgersen 39.3 20.6 190 3650
## sex year
## 1 male 2007
## 2 female 2007
## 3 female 2007
## 4 <NA> 2007
## 5 female 2007
## 6 male 2007
However, if you try to run the first chunk by setting the cursor over line 9 and pressing Ctrl+Enter
, you’ll get the same error:
penguins <- read.csv("data/penguins.csv")
## Error in file(file, "rt"): cannot open the connection
This is because when knitting, the working directory is set to the directory where the .Rmd file is located. For consistency, RStudio runs code inside chunks with the same setup. This inconsistency between the working directory of your session and that of the knitting process can be a source of a lot of headaches.
A possible solution would be to use absolute paths, so the current working directory is irrelevant. But we saw that using absolute paths leads to code that runs only in one machine.
What the here package does is create absolute paths that work on the machine running the code from paths relative to the root directory.
The way you use the package is to always use paths relative to the root project directory but wrap them in the here::here()
Fix one error
- Change line 9 in
``` r
penguins <- read.csv(here::here("data/penguins.csv"))
- Try to knitr again.
Defensive programming with here
The here package works every time as long as the current working directory is a subdirectory of the project root. But it can be brittle otherwise.
Find a new error
Close demo_project.
in a new RStudio window. Make sure that you are not on the demo_project project. -
Try to run line 9.
Create a new chunk with the code
and run it. Which absolute paths does it return?
You’ll notice that if you break the expectation that you are working inside the correct project, here()
will return essentially nonsense.
A more robust approach is to define the working directory by asserting the relative paths that leads to the current file.
Fix the new error
Add a new chunk at the beginning of the file that reads
. -
Run this new chunk and the one after.
With here::i_am("analysis/report.Rmd")
, you are declaring the location of the current script relative to the project root.
This will set the project root that is consistent with this location and emit a message.
Importantly, it will fail if the declared location is not found in the working directory or any of the parent directories.